
Any substance that generates addiction and dependence is considered a drug. There are several of different magnitudes, even some unthinkable ones. A drug can be different for each person, something personal, such as addiction to a person, a relationship on which our happiness and tranquility depends.

I have an aunt, who has not had many relationships, which is a great influence on what goes on. She established a relationship with a man who was definitely not for her, but she insisted on this relationship because she felt it was too late for her and this was her only chance to be happy. She endured and endured, even abandoned her family (us, she doesn’t has children), but there came a point where she realized the disaster she had in her life and how bad she was doing, so she left him and looked professional help.

But talking about common drugs and narrowing the definition, the most common in Chile is the cigarette, of which I’m also part, although I don’t consider myself addicted; if I want, I'll leave it. My father started smoking at age 18, and since that day, he has never left it. He says it calms him when he is stressed, that it relaxes him to see the smoke extinguished, a very common excuse in cigarette addicts. I remember when we were little, with my sister, we made posters that prohibited to enter smokers to the house, in order to obtain that it left. But it were naive ideas that never turned out, and for that reason, it were abandoned practices. 
My father is addicted to nicotine, he is a drug addict, but I think we all are somehow, we have our own addiction.


  1. I refuse to smoke, mostly because cigarettes harm your lungs, and living in the city just makes it worse.

  2. I agree with your last expression, all people have some addiction, even when they don't know.

  3. I thing this is one of the worst addictions that can exist, besides everybody smokes in a level because of the city

  4. everyone had his own addiction, my adicction are women, xoxox greetings

  5. I couldn't read everything , change the text coloooorrrr!!!!111 jkasdjkasd Poor aunt i hope she achieves happyness soon :( Stop smoking and do sports m8!!!11
    Bye, c u around!


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