The fraternity of languages

Knowing another language is like owning another soul
- Carlomagno

The language is proper in each culture, it is characteristic and as much as it unites us, it separates us. Verbal communication is very important in the society: it allows us to know beyond what we see.

The bible says that the origin of different languages ​​was a punishment, but as an atheist I am, I do not believe it. As I said initially, languages ​​can unite us or separate us, but that will depend on us. Learning a language is a great challenge but it does not stop being interesting and satisfying: to be filled with the colors of other cultures, to be able to share and live it.
Knowing different languages ​​allows the ability to express oneself better, 'cause each language has its particularity and intensity. Example of this is the case of "I love you" in English, which translated into Spanish can be "Te quiero" or "Te amo" because it is more complex, but English only reduces it to those three words. Spanish is a complicated language, for all the conjugations that its verbs present.
On the other hand, English is easier, it is more direct when it wants to express itself, but even so, what are difficult for me are its conjugations: I think I am the problem. What I know about English was thanks to my academic encouragement, since I was a child, however, I believe that the English that exists in the programs of colleges and universities is basic, asked to the requirements of each establishment. Also, I have always tended to watch television and listen to music in English, which has helped me to associate the sound of pronunciation with what it means.

English is an almost universal language, which most foreigners communicate with others, but that does not make me more interested, so I feel that what I know is enough. The language that I have always wanted and tried to learn is French, the language of love, but I need perseverance and each summer it distances for a year in which I leave it aside. 


  1. I also believe that getting to know each other with other cultures is awesome and satisfying!
    We're lucky to have spanish as a native language because it's hard to learn
    ça va? hahah
    c u xoxo


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