A little girl full of colors

In my case, I was born with a big colors range, wanting to be so many things, and at the same time. Every day I thought of being someone different from what I was yesterday, and I tried it, I walked different and talked different. It was like a crossing, full of colors, colors that exploded but then they disappeared. I wanted to dress of white in the future, to be doctor or nurse, but being different every day wouldn't good to the mental health of the patient who was looking for my help. I thought that the blue could come me well, with the white blue in the heights, but to live flying it would blur my colors, they would go away with the wind. So I centred, I lost my previous colors, but I found others, with better tones; I found the chemistry, the maximum creation of colors, the game of the colors. And according to the spaces in the palette of colors, I went away for the area of Pharmacy, because, as I said, this offering me major variety. The projection of the future helped me to decide safely, to imagine me with more colors in my around, more of which I can imagine, and give color to that one that has lost it, because of it, called me very much the attention to dedicate myself to forensic activities.
The tour in the university, in the career, managed to break the protection and safety that had when it was coming to college, in the previous years. The independence that was generated in the moment I enrolled helped myself to mature, to change color.

Resultado de imagen para quimica colores


  1. I'm so in love with your blog!! The way you express your ideas and decisions with colors is incredible.
    My regards.


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