Back in time

"The photography is a tool to deal with things that everyone knows but nobody pays attention. My photographs are meant to represent something that you do not see." Emmet Gowin

The photography is, before everything, a way of looking. It is not the look itself. Keeps memories alive, keeps the moments with every detail that makes it unique. That's what I like about photography, the magic it transmits and preserves. The most beautiful photographs are those that generate memories, even if you have not lived it.

Through photography many things are said, it allows us to speak in a more intricate and profound way than through simple words that do not express as much as the paper full of colors of the past.

One of the many photographs that I have liked, either by the colors in it, what it means, or what lived around it, is one that I took, about two years ago, while cycling the streets of Santiago. Something I enjoy very much is the synchrony that exists in the movement of bicycles, all that rhythm is perfectly composed, but even at the speed at which it went, photography stopped time.

This image represents the change of season, the change of colors. Spring had just begun, and we said goodbye to the cold colors of winter. Everything began to fill with color, the flowers inked the floor.


  1. Great post!!
    I think that photographs is the magic that allow transmit and preserve memories, lives, moments.

  2. Ohh! what a beautiful picture <3 Haha I like very much your post :)

  3. What beautiful the flowers of the trees with their purple color.

  4. Finally you decide for that photo jajja it´s so pretty.


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