
In a few weeks I will get time to realise it’s right before my eyes and I can take it if it's what I want to do. I’m leaving, this is starting to feel like it's right before my eyes and I can taste it, it's my sweet beginning. –Two Door Cinema “What you know”

We all wait the end of the year so we can rest and celebrate with friends and family. Summer is not the best season of the year, for me, but it is the one that means the most, for the things it brings. What I most enjoy are the nights. I love the night and especially in summer, so warm and eternal.

Since spring, I think about the summer, what I will do and it is something I really wait. Many years ago we did not go on vacation with family because each one has vacations in different dates, but anyway we go out with my sister. We have family in Argentina, so it is sacred to go once a year to enjoy their delicious alfajores and chocolates. They live in El Trapiche, a town in San Luis that stands out for being a tourist place, so we take the prize.

But not everything is travel, once start my days of watermelon and shorts, I take advantage of sleeping as if there wasn't a tomorrow. It is exquisite that feeling of freedom, not having any obligation, not having a tomorrow, there is only today. Even so, this lasts a week, because then I start to get bored, so I look for a work. I like working, not for money, that has never mean for me, I like it for the people, I like people, talk with them; sharing with people so different than you, even in age, is gratifying.

This summer I was considering doing something different; participate in Un Techo Para Chile. It always has been called my attention, but if I was not too young, I did not have time because I had already started work, so now I am organizing from before to add more experiences to my list.

It is not necessary to mention that reading books is the incessant activity of the two sunny months. I devour books as much as watermelon, because it really fills my soul. My mother never read me, neither my father, but I generated a love for books from an early age. I spent time in the library, lying in a bean bag chair, admiring every letter that moved, that moved me. Reading a good book is satisfaction for the soul. Summer is not summer without letters.


  1. I think that participating in un techo para chile is very a great idea, I would like to participate too

  2. I really love the free time in summer, you can do anything you want. but i have so many problems sleeping with high temperatures..

  3. Thanks for changing the BG! now i can read! hahah just kidding, i miss eating fresh watermelon, too :( Don't eat books, remember we don't have an enzyme to metabolize cellulose hhasjsdj see you soon girl, it's great that you love reading, i should read more :(.


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