One of the many secrets of the universe...

Since we arrived in the world, we have discovered some of the many infinity that this one hides. We have striven to decipher its mysteries, and although we have done so, it has been only a part.The world keeps its secrets but we still own ourselves, and we make use of and abuse them. I believe that the world has its science, and hiding is the way in which it protects itself from how dangerous we can become, just for ambition.
It is also important to consider that "world" is a term with a very broad meaning. The planet earth is our world, and at the same time, within each of us we have an inner world, which is the same or even more magical than in which we move. From this is born that discovered by man, thanks to the reach of the world, in which it was always present, as in our world (the inner); The cloning, which we just learned in high school, when we learn genetics.

Cloning refers to a variety of processes that are used to produce genetically identical copies of an entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is known as a clone. Researchers have cloned a variety of biological materials, including genes, cells, tissues and even whole organisms, such as a sheep; Dolly, the sheep. She was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. She mated and produced normal babies, naturally. In this way, she was shown that this type of cloned animals can be reproduced.

However, cloning has existed in nature since the dawn of life. From asexual bacteria to 'virgin birds'. There are also identical twins, in humans. They occur when a fertilized egg divides, creating two or more embryos that carry an almost identical DNA.
Their uses could be useful in the recovery of extinct species (if we have their complete DNA) or conservation of endangered species, therapeutic cloning: creation of clones to extract their stem cells to use them in the treatment of diseases in the original individual, among others. But, between the clonings that have tried, they have presented difficulties in the clone, as anomalies, premature deaths, don't allow evolution, and others.

Cloning could be more related to the career in Food Engineering, than with mine directly, since among so many utilities it is the one that causes so much controversy: Monsanto's transgenic foods, which seek to conserve food for a longer time.
I think cloning is pure magic, it happens, when and where it should happen, without the intervention man, and that's beautiful.

Science doesn't have limits, because the world allows it.
Cloning refers to a variety of processes that are used to produce genetically identical copies of an entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is known as a clone. Researchers have cloned a variety of biological materials, including genes, cells, tissues and even whole organisms, such as a sheep; The Dolly sheep. It was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. He mated and produced normal offspring naturally. In this way it was shown that this type of cloned animals can be


  1. The cloning it's very interesting, when the science can fix the mistakes that have the technique, will revolutionize the world, in a good mode I hope.

  2. In Chile a similar cloning experiment was done but with cows, unfortunately she died shortly :c

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. You looks like a clone because you are so ungraceful!!!

  3. Dolly the sheep lived half the normal life of a sheep. The species that attempt to clone could suffer the same problem? Or the offspring of these?
    See u


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