The past weighs more than the present

From childhood they bombard us with information, of all kinds, that propose to make us grow internally, to face society with all possible tools and to make it more enjoyable. We have always questioned the importance of what we are taught, of logarithms in mathematics for example, but that goes further. It is about forming strategies, you do not face just a mathematical problem, you are facing a something that is complex to solve, then you need develop that ability to solve it.

We underestimate the school, but it gives us much more than we think. My favorite subject was History, but I don't have inclination to the humanist although I feel that I am good, but I considered it like that because of the ambiguity it has, it gives so much to speak ... That segregation that generates everything that concerns her, the History is ambitious.
The side you take depends on the version you told you, because there are to be gloating, and this will be reflected in the teacher who has introduced the History in your life. It is expected that the teacher will take a neutral position in this, thus we have free and pure choice, but it is unfair that he can not express what are thinking when he is the one who handles all the information, so we who must learn to recognize what is good for our way to think.

I really admire people who know history, I think it is essential in life, because everything that happened in the past left the consequences to this day; "A people without memory is a people without a future."


  1. Wow,I love the way how you write your post. History is a underestimated subject, but it's really interesting and important. Knowing the story helps not to make the same mistakes again.


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