My scientific side

The scientific world is wonderful, is beautiful. It reveals so many secrets that the universe keeps. The scientists are brilliant, lovers of these mysteries, making possible what we were not thought possible.

Stephen Hawking takes all my admiration for being a great British theoretical physicist. His story immediately responds to my interest in him. He studied in the University College of Oxford, specializing in physics. His interest at that time was centered on thermodynamics, relativity and quantum mechanics. His physics tutor, Robert Berman, once said in The New York Times Magazine: "It was enough for him to know that something could be done and he could do it without looking at how others did it ...". In 1962, he completed his postgraduate studies at Trinity Hall in Cambridge. He obtained his doctorate in physics in Cambridge in 1966, and after a while began to present symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a type of motor neuron disease that would make him lose most of his neuromuscular control. However, he continued to investigate and solve unknowns that impress us every day. His conviction was what prevailed and we have it, until today, fixing the universe.

With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's theory of relativity implies that space and time are based on The Big Bang theory, and the black holes were not all black, cause could emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear.

A website that I enjoy so much is . I love to visit it because it is always updating the news in the world, but in a popular language. As it says it is very interesting because it covers many topics, such as politics, science, technologies, astrophysics, among several.
It is in paper version, because it started as a magazine and, of these, I have about twenty, I really enjoy reading them over and over. But the ones I have are old, so I visit the daily page to read more ABOUT EVERYTHING. In fact, it is so much my fanaticism that, for free, I am subscribed and I get all the post to my mail. IS VERY NICE.


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