There's not place like home

Vacationing is considered an important part of the life of an ordinary worker, he needs and longs for that freedom with which he dreams every day in the morning and at the end of his journey. It is very much related to travel; Where did you go on your vacation? And if your answer is no, you are pitied. They consider traveling as the best way to enjoy that little empty space in your life, when, in fact, I think it's time that we should dedicate to see the same things everyday but from a different point of view, learn to value even the bad moments and be able to digest the routine and take away place.
The comfort of our house forms much of it, it is our shelter after a hard day, finding a place inside it is necessary for those moments where we cultivate our spirituality, light our colors. Relating holidays to travel as rest is a typical mistake in society, they drown in their own homes, but are drowned in themselves and flee. Peace is inside us.

My place is my house, I have a colorful garden that I water every day, independent of time. It is also very important to share all this; With my family, happy four. Every day is different, we recognize something new in the other, we are continually growing, vibrating colors, and the best, we do not need to wait a year to meet again.
