My color hobby

Hobbies are characterized by giving us a little encouragement to continue with the hated routine. With this, we think it necessary to have a specific hobby; give it a name, when it is only the way to feel in peace with ourselves, without having obligations, at that moment. Is like if we didn't know how to do anything, stop working and just be with yourself; we always find something to do, and that's what we call “hobby”.

However, when we are small, we have so much time to go around, and we discover our colors in the things we like to do, we begin to identify in this way. I, since I was little, had a love for colors. I remember once that my mother said that, not like my sister, I dressed alone, chose my colors; she never told me what to wear. Maybe that's why I developed so much admiration for the magic of colors. And I grew up holding this feeling; I grew up collecting clothes stickers. I liked their colors so much, with glitter, with shapes. I kept them in a small wooden box that, at one time, I considered useless, but it kept the colors of my childhood. I kept every clothing labels that came home, but then it started to be a problem; I was going for the clothes stickers, I took them out in half store, leaving the garment without identification.
Seeing what I had become, I left it, and began to collect drink cans, with designs. The Arizonas drinks have lots designs, and all I got. It was, also, at the time that the Coca-Cola cans came out with designs, so my collection grew more and more.
But my mom found that they were just unnecessary goods, so I had to leave it too, but, as with the clothes stickers, they are kept until today.
A hobbie that I do not understand, and for the same reason, couldn’t have, is the video games. Sitting in front of a screen and just moving your fingers, stressing to beat the opponent; I do not understand it as relaxation. But the ones that I find very interesting are those that deal with disciplines, like learning a language. Years ago, every summer, I try to learn french with applications such as Duolingo, but for this we need constancy, and for the rest of the year I lose it.


  1. Nice post m8, but Arizona teas are expensive :c if i drink one someday i'll give you the can :)


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