The colors of study

We study all our lives to be considered in society, "to be someone". We study to have a good job, a good salary, a successful life. We study so much that we forget why do we do it, with what purpose, if that really will give us the happiness which we dreamed when we were children.
Studying involves a great mental development, which should not be used to please others, except to be happy with yourself. Personally, I like to learn new things, apply them and feel full of their colors. Each new knowledge produces a different color that explodes in our mind, giving us new tools to survive.
But studying, the action itself, is difficult for the brain, which prefers to get distracted and invest its energy in other things. That is why I insist that it is very important to recognize why we do it and what we want to achieve with it.
I study pharmacy, and I hope to become a pharmacist by vocation, which is what I feel now. The curriculum of my career satisfied all the needs that I have as a professional, but more as a professional that I want to become. In what I want to dedicate, there are subjects that will confirm my decision, but that should be complemented. To do this, the university offers me post graduate studies, which are obtained through grades and scientific investigations, which are do in specific laboratories for it, with the appropriate technology. My university is full of the colors I need.To do all of our academic goals, also that having our objectives clear, we have to dedicate time. For each student this varies, depending on how much attention or how much capacity to retain at the time of viewing the contents in classes, for this it is difficult to establish conditions for our study. The most important thing is the disposition to learn.


  1. I see you were really inspired m8... your post was full of feelings and color(absract). But i believe that some brains like to study without getting distrqcted by lighter stuff, some people get distracted from this world when they're studying actually... Goodbye Johannesburg hahsjh xoxo see you soon

  2. I feel that vocation is the most important thing when we decide what study, and is really sad that many people don't think in their vocation and only think in salary or good job.


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