The living death

At present, in our society, education is highly valued in people. Academic education, obtaining degrees, in the best establishments; that is known as success. Especially because with a good profession we receive a good salary that will give us more value in this society. Consumer society, where money excels more than happiness.
However, there are exceptions, as in all things. Study all the life, I mean, specialize more and more, not necessarily only in the career, but yes in our happiness; specialty in happiness. Dedicate yourself to what moves you most, not for money, not for being considered: for feeling something.

Toxicology has always been an area that has interested me enormously, either to specialize in it or just to satisfy my craving for knowledge.
In the previous post, we talked about the work which we would like to dedicate our life and time; mine is the forensic area. I'm very passionate about everything related to death; the mysteries it hides, the colors, even when it has always been presented in black and white, or opaque colors. I think that death has as many colors as life, at the time of death there are so many explosions in our organism that they end life itself.
Forensic toxicology participates in the life of death. Study methods of medical-legal research in cases of poisoning and death, spaces in which death, is again life.
