More than words

By communication is meant to talk, to reproduce sounds, but that is a reduced part of what it actually means. We are continuously communicating and it is inevitable. When we have about a year, we say our first word, but from long before we were participating in this relationship that makes possible answers in another. We cried when we were hungry, we laughed when something was fun, we even communicated to our mother when we were ready to leave that cozy home that provided us for nine months.

I understand communication as the only way to relate, and it is that it has no limitations, there are so many ways to do it, and that is what makes it the best skill that every living creature possesses. It is understood as a living creature all that organism of high complexity that is born, grows, reaches the capacity to reproduce and dies, that is to say, the plants also communicate, is evident as much as when we cut a flower and all its structure withers.

I always liked writing, there were never enough those children's "daily life". As I grew up, they were no longer diaries, they were notebooks, in which I invented my own stories, but it was part of my personal space; private. Beginning to write in the blog complicated me, I am not one of those people easy to share their inner thoughts, and still I am not, but, even so, I learned to dedicate it of my time.
The blog became a religious experience, just to be public, but I knew a lot of others, and that is what I rescue. Even so, I think it would have been more fun to have mentioned more controversial issues, so to learn from the other, such as politics, religion, etc.


  1. I would like to write whatever I want in these blogs...but we can't.

    By the way your blog is very cute.

  2. When I was a chield I write in a diary too!

  3. Hi Johanna,
    I have enjoyed reading your posts. You create and atmosphere filled with colors, showing creativity, kindness, friendliness, smartness... I have learned a bit about you: your love for cats (Maya and Gastón), music, colors, photographs; ... and your posts in a way reflect the good reader you are (You enjoyed The Unbearable lightness of Being by Kundera..!!)
    Go on writing with such an enthusiam... Congratulations!!
    See you,

    1. Teacher, you can't imagine how much your words fill me, motivate me to continue doing and living what I like. It reminded me of who I want to become.
      Thank you for this opportunity and for being more than a teacher sharing so much of you. What you do is admirable.


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